
Chronicles of Rilath Chapter 13

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I was woken by something shaking my arm and a voice whispering my name. I looked up into Angels eyes and tried to rouse myself as she said “It’s time Micheal; get ready.” I sat up and reached to my left to get my pack and grabbed it, slinging it over my back and then reaching for Brayfree. Before I knew it, a clawed foot kicked it away and I looked up to see none other than Zhar, standing beside me with his red-gemmed blade drawn. I frantically reached over to Brayfree as he brought his sword up and then down on me. I rolled out of the way and heard the metal clash against stone and saw a faint glimmer as it left a few sparks that died quickly. I looked up and saw him raise the sword again and I used my arms to push myself away from him as he brought it down on the stone again. I grabbed Brayfree and pushed myself to my feet as he brought the blade back behind him and swung it at me sideways. I raised Brayfree and blocked it, getting pushed back a few feet but I held my footing and ran forward, swinging Brayfree toward him. Zhar blocked it with ease and swung at me again. This time I ducked and thrust Brayfree at his legs, hitting his scales but not piercing through to his flesh, leaving sparks where I struck. I pulled back and stared at him as he smiled triumphantly and laughed before saying “I expected MUCH more of you” and driving his blade into my chest.
I yelled out in pain and fear as Angel shook me awake. I looked at her, looked around, and then felt over my body to find no wounds and no Zhar. “Micheal! What’s wrong? You were tossing and turning a lot in your sleep.” I looked at her and replied “nothing; just a dream.” I didn’t actually have the wound, but I could still feel the cold blade in my chest, tearing through my whole body and I shuddered as I grabbed my pack and swung it over my shoulder. Before reaching for Brayfree, I looked behind me just to check. Angel was right behind me, Diana was at the cave hallway, and Elder Naii was outside. I picked up Brayfree and followed Angel and Diana outside to meet her.
I trudged through the ferns in my way as I followed Elder Naii and Angel who were in front of me. Behind me, Diana trailed behind and continuously looked around for zang-rath spies. We were in Rahlim Jungle again, Diana said that the Ice Hills were past the jungle and in the middle of the Frozenstone Desert. When I asked about it, Diana said that the Frozenstone Desert was a large desert northwest of the fountain that received cold temperatures dailey every month, no matter the temperatures elsewhere. I continued to follow until Elder Naii said to stop and get low. We all did as we were told and got low into the bushes. “There’s a zang-rath up ahead” Elder Naii whispered to the rest of us before focusing her gaze back up to where it was. I raised my head slightly and got a small glimpse of the zang-rath’s head before ducking back down again. We waited until Elder Naii said that the coast was clear and we continued moving. We continued through the jungle, grabbing brazzberries to munch on the way, until we found a large overhanging ledge. Upon further inspection we saw that within was a wall of stalactites and stalagmites that could help shield us from view. We all entered and settled down to rest as the sun started to rise. “We will rest by day and travel by night until we get to the desert” said Angel “then we must move nonstop to stay warm.” I nodded in agreement and laid back for sleep. Before closing my eyes, I froze as I remembered my dream from before. I then decided to just confront it and not panic. With that in mind, I closed my eyes and slept.
I woke up around late afternoon to the sound of thunder and rain. I stood up and looked around the stalactite wall to see the rain pattering down on the foliage and lightening cracking the sky. I was about to turn around and go back to sleep when I heard a snarl coming from the other side of the wall. I froze and looked around the wall until I saw them. A group of about six zang-raths were huddling together against the wall, trying to stay out of the weather. I slowly backed away, walked to where Angel rested as silently as I could, and gently shook her awake. She mumbled at first so I clamped a hand over her mouth. She shot awake at this and struggled until she saw my face and I made a shush motion. I pointed outside and mouthed ‘zang-raths’ to her and she immediately understood. We then moved to wake Elder Naii and Diana, but then we heard the scrape of claw against stone and knew that they had noticed the entrance and were coming. We tried to move quickly but just as Elder Naii and Diana woke the first one rounded the corner and saw us, crying out to his partners and lifting his spear. Elder Naii and Diana immediately shot into action, growling at the zang-raths as Angel and I reached for our blades. The entire zang-rath party entered the cavern and readied their weapons, snarling the whole time. I saw Elder Naii take a stance and mouth the fireball spell before a sphere of flames erupted in front of her and then rocket into the group. The one in front leapt out of the way but the one behind him couldn’t react and was sent flying into the storm outside as the flames made contact and burst. The rest of them charged toward us. I watched as Diana pounced onto one and chomped on its arm as it flailed beneath her. I saw Angel bring her sword down onto another who blocked it with his spear. Elder Naii was using a strange spell that held two of them against the wall helplessly. Then I heard a snarl to my left and saw the last one pointing its spear toward me and charge. I swung my sword in a clockwise motion and batted the spear away before it reached me. The zang-rath lifted it up again and swung it sideways at me. I blocked it and swung my sword down on him but he moved out of the way and lashed out with his claws, scratching my arm. I yelled out and brought the hilt of my blade onto his temple, dazing him slightly. I looked at the scratch and saw a thread of red along my forearm, bleeding slightly. The zang-rath recovered from the blow and raised his spear again. I looked around and saw that the others were still occupied with their combatants. I readied myself and swung my body to the right as he threw his spear. I rightened myself as he charged and dove into my stomach, sending the wind out of me and knocking me to the ground. I tried to get up but the zang-rath moved quickly and pinned me down. I saw him grin in triumph and raise his claws up. I closed my eyes as I struggled harder and harder but stopped when I felt a sharp, deep piercing in my chest. Then the pain seared through me like a blazing flame and I yelled out and opened my eyes to see the zang-rath with his claws sunk into my chest. A few seconds passed and then I saw the zang-rath get pulled off of me, but I couldn’t see by what because my vision was slowly fading as the fiery pain grew in my chest. I saw a figure lean over me and I felt pressure on my wound which made the pain worse, but I was slowly slipping from consciousness and couldn’t yell in pain, I couldn’t even think. I just gave a small, painful groan as the pain consumed me and my eyes fell closed.
Chapter thirteen of my very old project.
This marks the second time that our hero gets mortally wounded.
© 2018 - 2024 DavMare
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